quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010


 Vinho, Ana Hickman
 679, Hits
 679, Hits + Reflexos Azulados, Colorama
 Noite Quente, Colorama + Reflexos Rosados, Colorama
 Hippie Chic, Colorama
Audrey, Impala (mão horrível u.u)

 Eu acho que é o Morangos Silvestres da Colorama, mas não tenho certeza.
 Rosa Floral, Colorama
 Tomate, Impala
Azul Royal, Colorama

A maior parte das fotos foram tiradas depois de alguns dias com o esmaltes nas unhas, por isso, não tá lá essas maravilhas todas.

segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010

domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010

Day Nine: Two things you wish you could do.

1 - Travel around the world without any concern.
2 - Get into a bookstore and buy everything I want.

sábado, 9 de outubro de 2010

sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010

Day Seven: Four memories you won’t forget.

1 - First day of school, in 1994.
2 - The day my little brother was born, in 2003.
3 - First kiss with my boyfriend, in 2009.
4 - The first time I've heard Pink Floyd, in 2001.

quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

Day Six: Five things you can't live without.

1 - Family, boyfriend and friends, of course.
2- Books.
3 - Coffee.
4 - TV shows.

5 - Oxygen.

quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010

Day Five: Six songs that you’re addicted to.

1 - Stay With Me Tomorrow, by Patrick Park.
2 - Sound Of Pulling Heaven Down, by Blue October.
2 - High Hopes, by Pink Floyd.
3 - Imago, by Pain of Salvation.
4 - Boy With A Coin, by Iron & Wine.
5 - Comfortably Numb, by Pink Floyd.
6 - Lake Michigan, by Rogue Wave.

terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2010

Key Necklace

Day Four: Seven fears/phobias.

1 - Clowns (seriously, they're scary).
2 - Crowded small places.
3 - Roller coasters.
4 - Crabs (they're also scary).
5 - Serial killers.
6 - Dying really young.
7 - Sexual violence (I guess everyone its afraid of that one).

Day Three: Eight things that annoy you.

1- Traffic.
2 - Politics.
3 - Cigarettes.
4 - Mass control.
5 - Popular brazilian music.
6 - School, and all the unnecessary things we have to learn, like trig.
7 - Having nothing interesting to read.
8 - Uncomfortable shoes.

This was supposed to be yesterday's challenge, but I didn't had the time to use the computer.

domingo, 3 de outubro de 2010


Did my part in democracy. Awesome.

Old New Ring

Day Two: Nine things you do everyday.

1 - I study e-v-e-r-y day.
2 - Have lunch in front of the TV, watching Friends, its the only time I have to watch something.
3 - Talk to my boyfriend.
4 - Check all the blogs I like.
5 - Drink lots of coffee.
6 - In the past few weeks I'm also drinking lots of water, I had some problems 'cause I used to spend weeks without drinking any.
7 - Write in my diary.
8 - Check the "Star Wars - The Old Republic" website.
9 - Listen to at least two albums of two different bands.


Hoje acontecem as eleições para presidente, preciso ir votar daqui a algumas horas.
Me sinto extremamente frustrada com o governo, não adianta de nada estudar as propostas dos candidatos e vestir a camisa de algum deles quando eu sei que nada disso vai mudar a péssima situação em que o brasileiro se encontra. E isso tudo se deve, em maior parte, ao fato de que o próprio brasileiro não quer mudar sua situação.
Enquanto algum governante simpático (ou talvez não) aparecer na televisão e garantir que nosso país está ótimo, está tudo bem! Quem se importa se seus filhos não sabem ler?

sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010

Day One: Ten random facts about yourself.

1 - Im doing this Ten Day Challenge so that I can keep up with this blog for at least 10 days.
2 - I'm brazilian, and I really hate that.
3 - I want to go to medicine school.
4 - I hate summer, and it doesn't make any sense, 'cause in my town, it's ALWAYS summer.
5 - I have two brothers.
6 - If I had the time, I would play World Of Warcraft all day.
7 - I met my boyfriend in a barbecue, I was twelve years old and he was fifteen.
8 - My favorite band is Pink Floyd.
9 - I love my dog.
10 - I really like books and coffee.

Ten Day Challenge

Day One: Ten random facts about yourself.
Day Two: Nine things you do everyday.
Day Three: Eight things that annoy you.
Day Four: Seven fears/phobias.
Day Five: Six songs that you’re addicted to.
Day Six: Five things you can’t live without.
Day Seven: Four memories you won’t forget.
Day Eight: Three words you can’t go a day without using.
Day Nine: Two things you wish you could do.
Day Ten: One person you can trust.